Vision for a Good Life:
As we age and move into a slower pace, many of us finally have the time to stop, slow down and reflect.
Reflecting on the past can bring warmth to heart, but for many – too much time often regurgitates past regrets and remorse. It doesn’t have to be that way!
The time between work and when the kids/grand-kids come to visit is the time to look at your life! I’ve often talked about…
In the next few months, you may find the blues setting in; waiting for spring to arrive. Hibernation can be a option for you. How could you bring some spice into your world?
~I looked up synonyms for the word ‘spice’; the top three words I liked best were interest, pizazz and enhance! Very cool, indeed!
In feng shui we talk a lot about ‘enhancing your space’. ‘Enhancements’ can be as small as a bead on a blouse, or as…
Many of your already know about the Change Book Series that is marching across the globe!
This is the fastest growing personal growth organization in the world! There are now 10 books featuring 200 authors in 20 countries!
I am in Book 9! The number is a lucky number in feng shui and also happens to be my personal ‘lucky’ number. I am delighted to be part of a group that is promoting empowerment across the globe. Together there is…
Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home and office. She provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.