Tag: environment

Lost Your Phone- again?

Lost your phone or keys-again? Forgot what you’re looking for? How DOES THIS HAPPEN! There is an explanation!!! You are not crazy! Here’s the deal, it’s all about doorways and thresholds. You see, there’s a subconscious act going on, an action to keep us safe. Let me explain. Whenever you move from room to room, your brain is relaying that you are going into a new environment; so, your ‘spidey-sense’ tunes into the new space. This also explains a trick…

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Clearing Clutter Tips

  Good morning! We’ve been talking about thinking positive and moving forwards in life. Taking charge of the things we can, to make life just a bit better for one more day. Feng Shui isn’t just about gold coins and flowers…and certainly, it’s not about throwing things OUT. It’s about maintaining a positive function and flow in your environment in order to thrive in life, not just survive! You see we are very visual human beings. Taking care of ourselves,…

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Three Tips to Achieve Balance In Your Office With Feng Shui

Is your desk out of control? Are the documents getting misplaced? Are you anxious and stressed out easily? It may be time to pay some attention to your office and desk arrangement. Feng Shui, the ancient art of influence for your environment, can help you sort out your surroundings and therefore your life. Often, only a few simple changes are needed to fuel the change or energy in your workspace. 1. Set yourself up in the Command Position The Command…

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I just read your book. It was a great read and tons of wonderful information that we can use to grow our business. Great Book! Thank you.

Chef Helena
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

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