Tag: feng shui

Feng Shui for Love & Solid Relationships

Feng Shui for Love & Solid Relationships When there is harmony in a home, the positive energy ripples through your relationships, career, health, your car and everything you touch!  I offer custom- tailored options so that you can BE happy, healthy and in harmony when cultivating an amazing lifestyle for life! I invite you to learn more with this NEW Book (15 pages PDF) What’s in the book? February is the month of LOVE, yet, we need to connect harmoniously…

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Talk about Intuition

It’s a New Age, so let’s sharpen some of your skills! Today we talk about intuition; a little bit of woo-woo. What is intuition anyways? It’s a way of knowing. Some people know through their gut. You’ve heard this old saying- trust your gut. Intuiting is a practice. Practice makes perfect. When people ask me personally about intuition, I describe it as an antenna setting off an alarm! Ding-ding-ding! For serious issues, I often turn to the pendulum or dousing…

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Feng Shui for Healthy Eating

Three Tips that Make Sense! Feng shui works in many areas of life! If you are happy, well balanced and in a loving relationship, your body will help to regular your ‘needs’, inside and out! In this crazy works we live in, there are SO MANY distractions, AD’s and advice everywhere telling us what we SHOULD eat, drink and do! Let’s release all this confusing energy! Q: Can Feng Shui help to keep us healthy and fit? A: Feng shui…

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Life is Like a Deck of Cards

Life is Like a Deck of Cards  I have fond memories of visiting Grandma and Grandad to stay overnight; we’d always play cards. They are the ones who taught us kids how to play rummy, cribbage, king’s corners and more. They taught us about taking turns and patience with other players. (The wilder Euchre games came later.) Playing Cards can teach you a lot about life! When my son was small, I’d play with a smaller number of cards and…

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Fire in the Kitchen!

Let’s continue with the Fire Element and its influence! We talked about the Bagua grid earlier; a designation for each individual Area of Life. When you place the bagua grid, held flat at your front door, you’ll see Fame Reputation Area at the far back in the middle. This area supports fire energy. Often, you’ll find a kitchen in the back; close to the back door and outside activities. This area is loaded with hard appliances and countertops, square cupboards,…

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The Art of Tidy

How does tidying work when looking for enlightenment and purpose in life? We’ve talked so much about the tangibles, and we are all tired of talking about ‘clutter’.  What’s the point? I’m going to define ‘clutter’ as something out-of-balance. It can have layers and layers of discarded items, not necessarily all garbage. ‘Clutter’ can show up in the form of too much of anything. Bulk buying and no where to store the items. Too many books/dolls/trolls/collections to fit into a…

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Sounds with Silence

The Sounds With Silence Have you been watching the sky lately? There’s been a lot happening up there! Not only the regular moon cycles, but this past month, solar flares, lunar eclipse and fluctuating weather patterns all over. Have you ever wondered how this ‘changing energy’ can affect YOU? Many of you are ‘extra-sensitives’, just like me. Some people label us ESP’s; Extra Sensitive People. If you can relate to the acronym, it’s not a bad thing at all! ESP’s…

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Feng Shui for Love & Solid Relationships

Feng Shui for Love and Solid Relationships; it’s all about learning to connect throughout the cycle of life. The Author, Kathryn Wilking talks about her relationships and experiences learning how to stay with a solid partner over the years. Kathryn, a Feng Shui Expert, shares her experiences and wisdom about ‘what makes things continue to work’. She writes about real life: how we grow and change over the years, how to maintain respectful communication and relationship management. In this small…

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Bless the Mess

Bless the Mess! Give Thanks! And, carry on… This blog may be a bit ‘dated’ as it refers to some issues in the Spring. Yet, coping methods are needed year round! This holiday season, I encourage you to take a step back, allow/delegate others to take care of the details and give yourself some space.  Yes, the meals may not taste the same, but everyone will be fed and happy! Bless the MESS whenever you can! How are you today?  …

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Water-people Have Deep Influence

Water-people have a Deep Influence in Society You’ll find a large majority of our senior population are water-people. These individuals have worked hard in their lives, specialists in their professions and have experienced many of life’s lessons. They bring a plethora of knowledge to the equation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we look up to them for guidance and direction. Similar to the wise owl in the woods, people turn to them for guidance and understanding. Water people enjoy…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home or office. Her book, Practical Feng Shui, provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.

Rod Luey
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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