Tag: Feng Shui Designs

The Art of Tidy

How does tidying work when looking for enlightenment and purpose in life? We’ve talked so much about the tangibles, and we are all tired of talking about ‘clutter’.  What’s the point? I’m going to define ‘clutter’ as something out-of-balance. It can have layers and layers of discarded items, not necessarily all garbage. ‘Clutter’ can show up in the form of too much of anything. Bulk buying and no where to store the items. Too many books/dolls/trolls/collections to fit into a…

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Conversation Chairs

Conversation and Connections      Q: Is there a big difference? A: YES This trick works setting up a formal conversation area, or if you have spare chairs to park. Notice, if you place them flat up against the wall, people won’t sit there and have a conversation, as they’d be gazing into space. By turning the chairs a bit towards each other, 30-50 degrees, there’s an opportunity for conversation as you can actually see the person beside you. You can test…

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You BE the Author

Still looking back at last year? Or, speculating, moving forwards into the new year? What’s going on in your world this week? Some ‘new years’ can be processed very differently than others. Is this the year that you are READY to step up? Try out a new mantra – “It’s my turn to thrive! “ This is not just a wish; this needs to BE a walk forwards. Let’s Walk the Walk: Start with a shower, clean clothes and a…

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27 Things

  There‘s still a lot of anxiety on the cusp of this NEW YEAR coming into the Wood Dragon. With all the world’s problems going on already, how can 2024 harness this anger and cultivate more trust? Ultimately, make things better? The first thing you need to do to begin in your own space. In order to make change, one needs to CHANGE something. You can make ‘change’ anytime you wish. Yet, it’s always motivating to have a logical reason:…

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Fire People Have Energy to Burn

Fire-People Have Energy to BURN   Do you remember the last time you were really passionate about something? It could have been something quiet; perhaps a breath-taking view of the lake? Or, more emotional, such as standing up for someone who needed assistance? The fire element, in feng shui, is represented by the colour red and generally shows up in the Fame or Wealth areas of the home. These areas of your home are definitely hot, as they also reflect…

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Moving Onwards Along the Journey

Have you had ‘one of those days’ lately?? Those days that you want to get things DONE, and yet, feels like the brakes are on… I do know that frustration leads to NO progress, at all! We’ve talked a lot about arranging our space with feng shui to ‘support our quest in life’, finding our true path and taking charge. SO, what happens when we aren’t going where we want to GO? I too, get impatient. I have these great…

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Nurturing Earth Energy

  I spoke with a new client this past week that seemed rather wistful when she told me that she didn’t have any children. This can be a touchy and often emotional subject for many people Feeling a bit ‘empty’ is not only for people who don’t have children, but for empty-nesters, those with few close friends and for others simply looking for a change from their day jobs. We all have a need to give love and share with…

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Your Words are Your Wand

Your Words are Your Wand So, you want less stress? I hear this all the time. Feng Shui helps tremendously to reduce stress in many ways: Your visual setting can be staged just for you: less clutter is less stressful. You can surround yourself with the things and colors you love. You can sing praises and gratitude to the universe. You can meditate until the ‘cows come home’. After all the work we DO to create less-stress, we still continue…

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Allure of Water

Good Morning! What draws us to water? All water. Well, we are 95% water. And yes, it can very soothing and calming to the soul… Check out water-element items in your backyard, and home and see if water can enhance your favorite places. More about the influences of Water People: Water-people Have Deep Influence  …

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Room by Room Rescue

Room By Room Rescue with the Five Elements  Are you still struggling to figure out the flow in  your space and WHAT to do about it? How to figure this out?  There is an easy way to move through the house ‘enhancing’ and ‘boosting’ your space!  ~Taking charge of your space will cultivate the strength you need to ‘weather the storms ahead’; and believe me, there’s more in life to come! This 8 week COURSE is all about cultivating supports…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


I have a few more questions (after the Home Harmony visit) about things but I’ll start off with an update. I am feeling very good and my space feels very good and fresh as well. I am loving the new layout with my desk and I just got rid of one of my chairs yesterday. The new spaces for the art feels right. I’ve decluttered the area behind my desk, and I’ve made a few beautiful little touch-ups in my bedroom to hopefully attract some more wealth! No further on the job search because I’m j… Read more

John Waters
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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