Tag: feng shui Practical feng shui for the office


Ask Kathryn About Moving Forwards

Q: Kathryn, I’ve noticed that whenever I ask a feng shui question, the answer begins with ‘that depends’. What is it with the vagueness of this venue that I can’t get a straight answer about how to set up my room and get ahead in life? ~Marie A: Good question, Marie. And yes, the answer depends on so many factors. Feng shui is more than moving furniture around and collecting gold coins. Not only do you need to have your…

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Shake Out The Blahs…

The month of January is one of the darkest months; And, usually, there isn’t anything special going on. However, this year Chinese New Year will be celebrated over the next two weeks beginning Jan 28, 2017! (You get a second chance to make resolutions!) Yep… the January blahs can set in. It happens every year. The celebratory joy, festivities and social activities from last month are history. You may feel housebound. You may feel heavy; perhaps from wearing too many…

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Blue Quartz Can Tame the Blues

Can Crystals really make change in your life?  If the month is beginning to unravel and it’s not pretty, check out one of these blue quartz geodes to bring balance and harmony into your space. A quartz geode has vibration qualities that you may find calming, soothing and help you concentrate. Quartz lamps have an added bonus, as energy and light will cultivate more energy in your day!     Need something to cultivate calm, ground energy in your space?  Blue quartz…

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Holiday Flowers at Allan Gardens

Greetings! Yes, the holidays are here and I can’t think of a better thing to do than visit the greenhouses and take in the bright colours and scents of fall. Colour therapy is important this time of year! I was able to visit Allan Gardens while visiting Toronto last week, and here are a few pictures to share! Happy Holidays! ~Kathryn kathrynwilking.com…

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Ask Kathryn about Ripped Jeans

Raise the Chi! When you make an effort to present yourself with a positive effort, you will attract more respect; opportunities will unfold. Q: What does feng shui say about ripped jeans and distressed clothing? Why does it seem that people are ‘dressing down’ in order to ‘dress up’? Does this make any sense? Thanks. A: Yes, it is interesting how the fashion industry can justify anything as long as they have an audience. People are drawn to drama; bad…

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Taking Command: Practical Feng Shui for the Entrepreneur

Join me for a half day Feng Shui workshop for entrepreneurs and business owners at FLUFF Rentals in Vancouver. This is the ONLY public workshop I’m holding this Fall! Take advantage of my special offer: BUY ONE ticket and receive a SECOND one for FREE! Plus receive a free copy of my book: ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’ CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO REGISTER…

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House Plants Can Purify the Air

House Plants Can Purify the Air We will be spending more time indoors over the next few months, so providing a healthy indoor environment for everyone is high on the list! Not only do house plants provide oxygen/carbon monoxide exchange to cleanse the air, some varieties can detoxify! How cool is that? As a feng shui Consultant, I often suggest live plants to counter the effects of EMF’s (Electro-Magnetic Fields) from computers and wireless technology. I recommend many of these…

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Helping Hands

Most people place emphasis on cultivating Wealth, Health and Relationships when working with the feng shui bagua; This article explores an often overlooked section of the bagua, ‘Helpful People’. Often referred to as HP & T (Helpful People and Travel), this area is situated in the immediate right corner as you walk in the main door. It is associated with your relationships and transactions in the outside world. Neglecting to prepare this area for smooth interactions can lead to miscommunication,…

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Knowledge Knows Feng Shui

Knowledge is information, awareness and understanding. Without any attention in this area of your home or office, you may be prone to indecision, bad decisions or even fatal decisions. Knowledge and ‘self-development’ is often paired with Relationships and/or Health in order to find a balance in a familiar working relationship. It can help couples and partnerships respect the progress in a business or partnership as it changes and continues to grow. The ‘Knowledge Area’ in your home is found in…

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I just read your book. It was a great read and tons of wonderful information that we can use to grow our business. Great Book! Thank you.

Chef Helena
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