Nothing beats the warm coziness of a fireplace.
Why are we so fascinated with campfires, barbeques, and fireworks; so much that we wish to bring fire into our homes?
Fire and fireplaces have been part of our lives as long as man has been cooking their own food. In the past, a fire would bring us not only warmth, but nourishment for cooked food and afterwards, ambiance. Any ‘fire’ brings people together.
In our modern day life, the actual ‘fire’…
Looking for motivation from the same desk, day after day? Does the objective of the task ever get lost?
Our lives are full of ‘to-do lists’, reminders or open folders; and many of us invite distractions regularly into our day. Many professionals need a reminder or something visual to help keep on track.
Previously, I’ve talked about using a Vision Board. Visuals, such as bulletin boards with your life goals can provide at a glance, objectives and goals you…
The ABC’S of Christmas
It was a few years back, just after we’d moved from southern Ontario to Vancouver BC., when my husband Stephen and I looked at each other with total exasperation. The topic of Xmas had been placed on the table. Sigh…
The boys were grown and had moved along. One was in South America doing his own thing with a group of artists and the other had left for Australia to find work. There wasn’t even a…
We learn as children in school, or organizations like girl guides and scouts, that doing ‘good deeds’ is a good thing; but these lessons go much further in life.
When we do something ‘nice’ for someone, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. The little things such as opening a door for someone, reaching for something off the top shelve, offering encouragement, carry a package or even a smile can brighten someone’s day!
One of ‘The Five Lucks’ in…
I’m just like you, dear reader. I try to lead a life of a ‘responsible citizen’; I pay taxes, support local industries and recycle. I walk a clean path and try not to judge others.
And yet, I feel really ‘ticked off’ dealing with construction and bad weather for months and months on end!
How is anyone going to FIND ME or HEAR ME with all this going on? Everyone seems to be in a rush!
Stress in our lives…
Create a Water Feature without Water!
Many of my clients look at me sideways when I suggest a water feature; my own husband included. (But, he is coming around slowly.)
The ‘representation’ of water in feng shui is related to Career, your Life Path and also helps with Wealth and Family support. By using a representation of water, rather than ‘real water’, can still maintain support for these areas in your life.
So, why is there so much resistance utilizing…
Q: Kathryn, I’m getting ready to move and clearing out a few things. I came across a box of souvenirs we picked up from our trip to Africa years past and I don’t know if they are good for feng shui or not. I have a couple of masks, some animal carvings and a ceremonial dagger. Can you tell me if they are okay to keep, and where to put them? Or, do I just give them away? Thanks.
The month of January is one of the darkest months; And, usually, there isn’t anything special going on. However, this year Chinese New Year will be celebrated over the next two weeks beginning Jan 28, 2017! (You get a second chance to make resolutions!)
Yep… the January blahs can set in. It happens every year. The celebratory joy, festivities and social activities from last month are history. You may feel housebound. You may feel heavy; perhaps from wearing too many…
Placing a ceiling fan over a bed can be detrimental to your health! If you are having restless, sleepless nights, have a look UP at your ceiling.
Many ceiling fans are purchased with the logic that these items can save you money on air conditioning. True. But, are there other hidden costs?
In Feng shui, any item hanging over head is considered a no-no. Your sub-conscious is always aware of ‘something’ overhead. (This includes books, vases, knick-knacks, pots and…
Q: Hi Kathryn, Feng shui is supposed to help with a good nights sleep. Which is the best direction to face the bed? Thanks.
A: This is a great question! I haven’t addressed this issue with my newsletter followers, as I’ve been focusing on business. YET, we all do need a good night’s REST.
Some feng shui practitioners use the compass school to sort out the ‘best direction’ to sleep. While this system works, I find that many families do…
Dear Kathryn, I just wanted to say, thank you SO much for having me on your podcast and allowing me to share my story with your listeners. It was so much fun chatting with you!
I really appreciate your time and effort in putting together such a fantastic show. You make me feel so comfortable and your questions were awesome!
Thanks again for the opportunity. I hope to stay connected-you rock!