Getting tired of your bedroom? Ready for a SPRING REVIVAL?
Here’s one great idea to change things up!
This master bedroom, thou clean, crisp and cozy wasn’t quite working for the couple.
I like the symmetry here, and feng shui is all about symmetry!
Rule of thumb is to have both parties space to be ‘equal’; they both need to get in and out of the bed (without crawling over each other). And add, two pillows, two…
Something blocked in your life? Perhaps your home or work space doesn’t feel right anymore?
Perhaps, luck is already THERE and you just haven’t seen it!
For many, solutions for problem areas can be found in simple things, such as shapes and colours.
Common Shapes for Decorating
When supporting an area within the Bagua, shapes are often the easiest to manipulate.
SQUARES: If the life area you choose to enhance needs to be stable and grounded, then squares would…
We make choices with food, and with people every day, good and bad. It is no wonder that they can parallel each other.
~ It‘s not all about food; but it could be!
Taking care of what we need, and what our body needs, is the first step to leading a full life filled with good choices, experiences and opportunities. We need proper nourishment in our diet, which includes mental and emotional needs, for a well-balanced life!
Base ingredients: protein,…
You know the habit of ‘looking’ and then right away, the ‘impulse to buy’? Of course you do!
I found this little cutie at a second-hand store and said PERFECT! My husband was with me and asked, “What are you going to do with another vase?”
“OMG! I stated, it is PERFECT to use in a Relationship Area! Look how CUTE this vase is? It will help enhance our Relationship! Really!” He asked no other questions. (smart hubby…)
You know the habit of ‘looking’ and then right away, the ‘impulse to buy’? Of course you do!
I found this little cutie at a second-hand store and said PERFECT! My husband was with me and asked, “What are you going to do with another vase?”
“OMG! I stated, it is PERFECT to use in a Relationship Area! Look how CUTE this vase is? It will help enhance our Relationship! Really!” He asked no other questions. (smart hubby…)
So here…
Are you ready for 2020?
Have you got it all figured out?
It’s is the eve of a new decade, a time for change, a chance to write your own story!
Our actions have a cause and effect.
We don’t really have to wait until Dec 31, 2019 at midnight to make a change or a resolution; we can take that action anytime we like. However, I believe the drama of setting intention on an auspicious day or time can…
Remember back in January, we were all encouraged to make some sort of Vision Board in order to make this year, the BEST YEAR EVER? Of course! We all ended up finding a system that worked for us; notes in a jar, images on the wall, reminders in our desk… all the things we could dream about for the year ahead…
Did they all materialize for you? If not, there are still a few weeks left… the pressure…
We are all busy Multi-tasking! The many numerous things we juggle in our business can boggle most other people’s minds! And yet, WHAT IS THE ONE THING WE FORGET TO SCHEDULE?
Entrepreneurs, self-employment and career driven individuals are all on their own career path; and moving forwards. Many are trying NOT to work around the clock!
So, you’ve completed the income tax, talked with all departments and worked out…
When planning your garden, make a colorful choice!
Planning another tweak in your garden? Making room for more colour, shapes or drama?
Sometimes we are attracted to a colour, a smell, or just something different. There’s no reason; but perhaps there is!
Ann Marie Holmes writes in her book, Earth Spirit Living, (I love this book!) -choosing the best plants to cultivate the BEST ENERGY for you and your space.
I found this fascinating; and had to…
View from CONDO unit in Vancouver: Is this dangerous to your health?
Hello Kathryn,
We would like some advice as our unit looks out to a lane. Like a T intersection. The lane goes for about 4 blocks (south) and you can see the end of it. I’ve attached a photo.
Our unit is SW exposure. We would like to know whether this is a bad thing and if so, what is the best solution. Thanks Greg
Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.