When planning your garden, make a colorful choice!
Planning another tweak in your garden? Making room for more colour, shapes or drama?
Sometimes we are attracted to a colour, a smell, or just something different. There’s no reason; but perhaps there is!
Ann Marie Holmes writes in her book, Earth Spirit Living, (I love this book!) -choosing the best plants to cultivate the BEST ENERGY for you and your space.
I found this fascinating; and had to…
View from CONDO unit in Vancouver: Is this dangerous to your health?
Hello Kathryn,
We would like some advice as our unit looks out to a lane. Like a T intersection. The lane goes for about 4 blocks (south) and you can see the end of it. I’ve attached a photo.
Our unit is SW exposure. We would like to know whether this is a bad thing and if so, what is the best solution. Thanks Greg
‘Spindle City’ is the nick-name I gave to my new cottage-home.
Yep, a solid, 1982 two-story home with tons of room for my stuff -and spindles on every floor! There are oak spindles everywhere: the porch, two decks, a dock, a two-story staircase, a cat-walk overhead and all around a sunken living room!
What were we thinking?
We were hunting for the ‘right place’ for almost 2 years; what we found was that newer homes had smaller properties. Years ago…
Have you fallen for the ‘ol -‘BUY TWO and SAVE’?
That’s OK, I’m guilty too!
The problem is, what do you do with the extra item(s)?
Marketing and retail competition is cluttering up our homes and lives! LOL! Really!
Q: Can we resist an ‘extra’ bag of nachos? – Just in case the kids bring their friends over.
Q: Can we resist a giant case – cans of tuna fish? What about salsa? And, other foods?
Q: Where do you…
Greeting for June 2018 and THANK YOU!
Kathryn has a SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL to THANK YOU for following her Feng Shui tips all these years!
The ONE ROOM RESCUE is expanding: YOU, dear reader, can have a sneak-peek of this new platform for only $47.! (Regular $297.)
All I ask is that you fill in an evaluation summary at the end of the course; as I wish to look at your comments and continue to improve On-line learning!
Together, we can…
Sandy called me without a specific need; and yet, she was disappointed with several areas of her life. She felt depressed. Her life seemed to be stalled. She was off work on sick leave and her kids weren’t talking to her! Does feng shui have any ideas that could help her get her life back?
(Yes! Of course!)
When I arrived at her home, a small condominium on the ground floor, I noticed there were…
It’s after mid-night and you’re wide awake, again! What happened this time? Our bodies fall asleep, but much of the brain sub-conscious, is still awake – protecting us from saber-tooth tigers and monsters under the bed!
It is how we are conditioned.
Yet, this seems rather extreme; considering I woke up because of a toothbrush the other night! Really!
When our ‘sleep mode’ shifts through deep sleep and its rhythms, the sub-conscious picks up all kinds of information; and tries…
Q: What is this I hear about you moving? Are you still going to have your newsletter?
(FYI: this was an actual question this month, word for word.)
A: Yes, this is true! My family of two adults, two dogs and a cat are moving! In addition, absolutely I will still offer my newsletter! Each month I ponder ‘what is going on in the world’, and then, I try to sort it out so that all of you can…
We learn as children in school, or organizations like girl guides and scouts, that doing ‘good deeds’ is a good thing; but these lessons go much further in life.
When we do something ‘nice’ for someone, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. The little things such as opening a door for someone, reaching for something off the top shelve, offering encouragement, carry a package or even a smile can brighten someone’s day!
One of ‘The Five Lucks’ in…
Q: Hey Kathryn, I’ve just moved and I was looking at ways to rearrange my living room to use more feng shui. Do you have a book on living rooms and kitchens? Thanks, Deni
A: Hi Deni! Thanks for your note. Interesting enough, when a home has ‘good feng shui’, it has the ‘feeling’ of grounding, peace, safety, balance and harmony. In many cases, it can be almost undetectable!
My personal book focuses on offices and careers, ‘Practical feng Shui…
Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home or office. Her book, Practical Feng Shui, provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.