Tag: feng shui


CHOOSING a GREAT Colour for Sleeping

  A GREAT COLOR has the potential to make our day. It can bring positive attitude, confidence and joy when used properly in your home! Colour relates to our psyche and changes from season to season; it can affect our mental health. Ever wonder why you liked something one week, and hated it the next? Well, the energy keeps changing in our lives. I worked many years as a paint consultant. During a home visit, I would evaluate the customer’s…

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Restore the ‘Super Star’ Inside!

I’m just like you, dear reader. I try to lead a life of a ‘responsible citizen’; I pay taxes, support local industries and recycle. I walk a clean path and try not to judge others. And yet, I feel really ‘ticked off’ dealing with construction and bad weather for months and months on end! How is anyone going to FIND ME or HEAR ME with all this going on? Everyone seems to be in a rush! Stress in our lives…

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Take Me Back To…Normal.

Change; it is inevitable. Coming out of hibernation each year is a BIG DEAL! All of a sudden, one day you’ll be tired of wearing the same clothes all winter and look forward to a change. With daylight savings time, there is energy for a walk after dinner. These are all signs of the change coming ahead! Many of us have been sick or ‘under the weather’ this past month; could it be the SAD syndrome (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? That…

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Ask Kathryn about Boots Under the Bed

Q: Hi Kathryn! My husband and I are doing some earthquake preparations out here on the west coast. The booklet suggests we have a pair of boots under the bed for quick evacuation should this happen while sleeping. I heard it was bad feng shui to leave shoes and boots under the bed, especially for a long time. What do you think? Amy A: You are correct! Leaving boots and shoes under the bed is a no-no! The rational in…

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The Powerful Influence of Deep Water

The Powerful Influence of Deep Water A large majority of our senior population are water-people. The majority of ‘deep water’ individuals are hard workers and have experienced many of life’s hard lessons. In earlier years, they may have been a strong earth or metal element; a sensitive nurturer or a technical whiz in their profession. Now they bring a plethora of knowledge to any situation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we can look to them for guidance and direction.…

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Can You REALLY Think and Grow Rich?

I tried this in the 70 and 80’s. The motive: if I really, really thought about being rich, would I actually become rich? Well, it was worth a try! Another mantra that was popular back then: “If you think like a millionaire and act like a millionaire, then eventually, you will become a millionaire!” How many of us bought into that one? (Right up until the first Visa bill came in!) The word ‘rich’ is a term defined by each…

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Things to Make You Smile

Some days, like today as I write this, it is really difficult to crawl out of bed. The snowdrops are poking their heads up but the sunny mornings are still so far away.  In these dark and gloomy months we need to take care of ourselves. Being in charge is important in feng shui; so make something happen. I like to share a few things that could make you smile today. Have lunch with someone who makes you laugh. Buy…

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An EXTRAORDINARY TALENT To Learn for the Holidays!

It should be fun meeting new people over the holidays, but socializing can be stressful for many people. So develop a strategy first and do your homework: assess your own ‘things I like to do’ list and know which activities and personalities that best support your energy. Whether you are looking for dates or new friends, ask these few questions at your next gathering; the answers will tell you a great deal about someone. You can figure out if there…

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Riding out The Drought

Riding out the Drought Imagine that you are settled into your business: you have a game plan, doing what you need to do, following what the clients’ needs are… and something changes. Your cash flow gets interrupted and there’s been a shift in the industry.   The leads have dried up and a few related businesses have died on the vine.  You’re still okay, and you are still standing. But what happened? Hmmm. It’s time to look around. And, you are…

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Ask Kathryn about a ‘Harry Potter’ office

    Ask Kathryn Hi Kathryn, Thanks for taking the time to look at my office. I work in Toronto at an administrative building close to the U of T. The buildings are old, old, old and sliced into skinny offices with high ceilings; think of the Harry Potter series with dark wood, heavy trim and windows up about 16 or 20’. My office is only 10-12 feet wide and about 30’ long with a window at the end. I…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn is a pleasure to work with, and I’m honoured to have been a guest on her show. She made the process really easy and it felt more like a fireside chat with a girlfriend then a radio interview, which made it both fun and dynamic! Kathryn offers a wonderful platform for sharing her deep expertise, and those of her guests, to help listeners truly find Practical Solutions For Life.

Michela Quilici
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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