There‘s still a lot of anxiety on the cusp of this NEW YEAR coming into the Wood Dragon.
With all the world’s problems going on already, how can 2024 harness this anger and cultivate more trust? Ultimately, make things better?
The first thing you need to do to begin in your own space.
In order to make change, one needs to CHANGE something.
You can make ‘change’ anytime you wish. Yet, it’s always motivating to have a logical reason:…
Water-people have a Deep Influence in Society
You’ll find a large majority of our senior population are water-people. These individuals have worked hard in their lives, specialists in their professions and have experienced many of life’s lessons. They bring a plethora of knowledge to the equation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we look up to them for guidance and direction. Similar to the wise owl in the woods, people turn to them for guidance and understanding.
Water people enjoy…
Earth-people are Often Stuck in the Middle
An earth-type personality is much like the tangible earth; solid, grounded and stable. Of all the Five Elements; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, the earth people are standing in middle ground.
In the working world, people with earth personalities are the best choice to train new employees. Their patience and relaxed nature is very non-threatening. They have a knack to organize and compile data, and remember to send a card for every…
Wood-people Are Energetic!
Wood-people are the ‘mover’s and shakers’! Wood-people are the busiest people around! They have great ideas! They have energy! They have the means to ‘make it happen’!
YES! YES! And, YES, they DO like to use LOTS of exclamation marks!!!
If you want the job done, give the task to the busiest person; a person whose dominant element is Wood!
The Wood Element is represented with the vibrant energy of spring. A time of growth, high energy…
I was reminded last week of an old parable from WAY Back. I can’t remember the original source. But thought I’d share…
It‘s about optimism, but yet, not taking things for granted either.
An old farmer, Joe, decades ago had a farm helper in the form of a large cow. The townspeople all thought he was very lucky to have such a healthy animal to help him on the farm.
Farmer : “Maybe yes, Maybe no”.
One night, the…
Can you relate?
We all know the feeling of ‘losing the weekend’ to chores, obligations and guilt visits. How does feng shui help with this?
I received a call from Tara this past week, expressing that she’s a bit down running the household and that she feels she’s ‘missing out’ on the fun every weekend.
It seems the chores, the dishes, the shopping are overwhelming.
Feng Shui talks about the energy; ‘balancing’ the energy in all areas: self, others, the…
09/22/2014 Edited: Jan 05 2019
While change can be good for the soul, many people resist!
When people resist change, it often means they are already happy in the moment. They ask, “Why change?” They like the age of their kids, they like their time together, and (bonus) the in-laws live two hours away! To sum it up, the balance in their life seems to be working for now, and there is no reason to change!
As we know,…
The ABC’S of Christmas
It was a few years back, just after we’d moved from southern Ontario to Vancouver BC., when my husband Stephen and I looked at each other with total exasperation. The topic of Xmas had been placed on the table. Sigh…
The boys were grown and had moved along. One was in South America doing his own thing with a group of artists and the other had left for Australia to find work. There wasn’t even a…
Ask Kathryn: Today we have a dialogue to answer a question as, more clarify is needed.
Q: Hi Kathryn, I would like to know in my bedroom, my spiritual setup is
in the far right corner (northwest corner facing the east). Is this a
good spot? Belle
A: Hi Bellel! Good to hear from you!
Before I answer your question, I have a few questions!
1 what is the purpose of enhancing a spiritual area in you bedroom?
Q: Hi Kathryn! We will be purchasing a new queen-sized bed. I’ve read a bit online – do you have any reference material I can read? I’m assuming this: -NOT A storage bed (no drawers etc underneath) And, should it have a higher foot board?
I’ve been looking for a while, and honestly, haven’t seen much that appeals to me.
Thanks, Louann
A: Great Question, Louann! Here are a few quick tips when purchasing a new bed!
First, I’m…
Kathryn has the gift of making her show guests feel welcomed and comfortable. I know she truly cares about offering value to her listeners and was honoured to be one of her guests talking about the importance of proper business branding. Her experience in the field of Feng Shui transcends into her show where everyone benefits from the important topics she covers all in an easy and entertaining format.