House Plants Can Purify the Air
We will be spending more time indoors over the next few months, so providing a healthy indoor environment for everyone is high on the list!
Not only do house plants provide oxygen/carbon monoxide exchange to cleanse the air, some varieties can detoxify! How cool is that?
As a feng shui Consultant, I often suggest live plants to counter the effects of EMF’s (Electro-Magnetic Fields) from computers and wireless technology. I recommend many of these…
Riding out the Drought
Imagine that you are settled into your business: you have a game plan, doing what you need to do, following what the clients’ needs are… and something changes.
Your cash flow gets interrupted and there’s been a shift in the industry. The leads have dried up and a few related businesses have died on the vine. You’re still okay, and you are still standing. But what happened? Hmmm. It’s time to look around.
And, you are…
Ask Kathryn
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for taking the time to look at my office.
I work in Toronto at an administrative building close to the U of T. The buildings are old, old, old and sliced into skinny offices with high ceilings; think of the Harry Potter series with dark wood, heavy trim and windows up about 16 or 20’. My office is only 10-12 feet wide and about 30’ long with a window at the end.
Can a Ghost Ruin my Business?
Q: Is it possible for a ghost to ruin my business? I signed a 3 year lease in a large shopping mall to open an Indian Restaurant. The previous tenant was a Pizza Place. I cleaned the place and opened right away, 2 months ago. I’m losing money and no one comes in to eat. They look in, and walk away. Can you help me from NYC?
A: I hesitate to blame your…
SUCCESS can found in so many areas!
Set yourself up for SUCCESS every day, and reap the rewards!
I had an opportunity to hire a team using the Feng Shui Energy Elements again this past spring. My client wanted to test a new venue to see if their footwear could sell in a casual, nonthreatening environment.
I had restrictions with signage and advertising as we were part of a larger group. Therefore, I had to change my plan:…
Today we have Pre-War Traditionalists, Post-war/baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (where did they go?) and the Millenniums, all walking the earth at the same time! Can we all learn to communicate and get along?
Each generation older or younger than you has experienced different influences in the world that have formed their lives; with different technology, new inventions to use, new parenting techniques to adopt, etc.
I remember my son and his friend at the old family cottage,…
The dilemma: How many hobbies can we start up at once? How many ‘collectibles’ can we display?How to find the balance of how much ‘stuff’ one can handle at one time?
And, how much room we need to store memorabilia? Where is the line?
When we de-clutter to the extreme, we deprive ourselves of the memories, incentives and items that feed our soul. Hmmm…
I consulted in a home recently that was void of any clutter, whatsoever! There…
Most people place emphasis on cultivating Wealth, Health and Relationships when working with the feng shui bagua; This article explores an often overlooked section of the bagua, ‘Helpful People’.
Often referred to as HP & T (Helpful People and Travel), this area is situated in the immediate right corner as you walk in the main door. It is associated with your relationships and transactions in the outside world. Neglecting to prepare this area for smooth interactions can lead to miscommunication,…
Why do people get so upset when the crows come around?
People often declare, ‘Darn crows; they make too much noise!’
Crow do have a remarkable voice range and can caw in many different tones. We don’t really know what they are cawing about, but we are all curious about mystical references to these birds.
It is intriguing that crows and ravens are often mentioned in folklore and mythology for their power and compassion. Here are a few mentions: (notes…
Ask Kathryn: ‘Lucky Bamboo’ outgrows its container.
Q: What happens to ‘lucky bamboo’ when it outgrows the container? Do I throw it out? What happens if you throw out ‘lucky bamboo’? Is that bad luck?
A: If you have a very dead or dying plant it can’t be enhancing an area for you anymore, right? Like any feng shui ‘cure’ or ‘enhancement’ placed in an area, sometimes they just run-their-course. It is okay to say goodbye to your dead…
Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.