Office Yin and Yang
Yin and yang are energy terms in feng shui. In fact there are many different combinations and levels of yin and yang.
Seen as opposites; the image of two tadpoles swimming intertwined with the other. Neither one is completely pure white, nor pure black, as there is always an element of the other hidden inside.
Yin is feminine: soft, gentle, and nurturing. Yang is masculine: strong, energetic and aggressive.
When applying this concept to your work…
The Empty Desk
What happens to productivity when you work beside an empty desk and chair? Are you happy that no one is in ‘your space’? Or, are you aware of the empty void nearby?
In feng shui, even an empty space has a place in time, no matter how inactive it may be. Could you really be affected working beside an empty desk?
In some cases, it depends on the reason why the desk is empty? Predecessor energy is…
A new perspective: The Power of Money, by Sonia Haynes, discusses your relationship with money.
Practical Steps to Success #13: Knowledge is Power
We are born to grow and change, as nothing stays exactly the same. In growing up, we have different phases in life.
First we grow physically. Then we grow intellectually in our learning years. When we get out of school and settled into our careers, we proceed to grow our bank accounts. And, it shouldn’t end there.…
The Nine Life Areas, in feng shui, are set in a specific order that you can relate to on any surface small or large. When assessing your goals and what you want out of life, you can utilize this grid to find areas that need attention. You can choose specific objects to help you focus, and enhance some of these areas you require to meet your working goals. This grid can be placed on a desk or an entire…
Life is more than the routine work/home/sleep cycle. Whether we realize it or not, our lives are sorted into a plethora of accountabilities; personal areas, health and family, children, relationships, creative hobbies, spiritual growth, continuing education and learning, domestic chores, holidays, crisis management, hockey or soccer games and personal recreation. This is a lot to maintain! For personal growth and optimum health one needs to find the balance.
Feng shui has a tool called the ba-gua, which divides the life…
Kathryn was a joy to work with. Prior to my interview, Kathryn was understanding, supportive and consistent throughout. This was a remarkable experience and I appreciate her time and effort. Thank you Kathryn.