Can you relate?
We all know the feeling of ‘losing the weekend’ to chores, obligations and guilt visits. How does feng shui help with this?
I received a call from Tara this past week, expressing that she’s a bit down running the household and that she feels she’s ‘missing out’ on the fun every weekend.
It seems the chores, the dishes, the shopping are overwhelming.
Feng Shui talks about the energy; ‘balancing’ the energy in all areas: self, others, the…
I met an interesting entrepreneur a few months ago at a business luncheon. She is a personal life-coach, an author and I enjoyed the way she was able to articulate her particular spin on life. We were having a lively conversation. She impressed upon me the need to ‘be quiet’ and ‘to listen’ to clients.
Then, she described herself as ‘shy’.
Shy can be a negative word in business; defining someone who is anxious, awkward, fearful, inhibited or timid.…
ASK Kathryn About sharing Space with a Bedroom
I’ve read your book and I need more information about feng shui in my bedroom, when I work at home. My house is small, but I can fit a desk into the bedroom. Is there a best way to do this using feng shui? I read that working in your bedroom is not a good idea. Can you explain please? Thx Shelly.
A: Hi Shelly! You are correct: Working in a bedroom…
SUCCESS can found in so many areas!
Set yourself up for SUCCESS every day, and reap the rewards!
I had an opportunity to hire a team using the Feng Shui Energy Elements again this past spring. My client wanted to test a new venue to see if their footwear could sell in a casual, nonthreatening environment.
I had restrictions with signage and advertising as we were part of a larger group. Therefore, I had to change my plan:…
Focus on Your Foundation by Kathryn Wilking
(Previously released in the January 2015 edition of The Art of Balance.)
So, since 2015 will be about grounding and getting back to basics, what is your key focus or purpose this year? If you had to choose one thing to really focus on, what would that be?
How do we make goals each year, make predictions for growth
and learn to recognize successes?
Start with what is important to YOU:
Children: their…
Image from Clip Art
What is Your Management Style?
Can you find a balance between being a hard-nosed, results-oriented boss and a hovering, nagging mother hen?
Of course you can! Each team manager may have the same goals, but they can take a different route to get there!
We are all unique. When we first become a manager, we try to mirror our most successful example, good or bad. When we’ve tripped up a few times, we recover, and then…
Paul and I absolutely LOVED meeting you in person and having the time you so generously gave us and our home! It is such a joy and celebration to connect with a kindred soul, especially when this comes with the great blessing and opportunity to learn and grow from the connection.
Our session on Saturday was the catalyst we needed to break out of our (my!) inertia and get the energy flowing to transform our space and lifestyle. Your presence andguidance are extremely uplifting and… Read more