Kathryn’s Interview with MysticMag
“Sarah Kirton of South Africa reports for MysticMag; a global magazine connected with many other services. Check out her latest publication where I expand on the wonders of Feng Shui.” – Kathryn
Change the Function & Flow in Your life with Kathryn Wilking
Sarah Kirton Contributor
Published On August 06, 2024
Kathryn Wilking is a certified Feng Shui practitioner who approaches her work like a detective, seeking practical solutions to bring balance and harmony to her…
How does tidying work when looking for enlightenment and purpose in life? We’ve talked so much about the tangibles, and we are all tired of talking about ‘clutter’. What’s the point?
I’m going to define ‘clutter’ as something out-of-balance. It can have layers and layers of discarded items, not necessarily all garbage.
‘Clutter’ can show up in the form of too much of anything.
Bulk buying and no where to store the items.
Too many books/dolls/trolls/collections to fit into a…
The Sounds With Silence
Have you been watching the sky lately? There’s been a lot happening up there!
Not only the regular moon cycles, but this past month, solar flares, lunar eclipse and fluctuating weather patterns all over.
Have you ever wondered how this ‘changing energy’ can affect YOU?
Many of you are ‘extra-sensitives’, just like me. Some people label us ESP’s; Extra Sensitive People. If you can relate to the acronym, it’s not a bad thing at all!
This season, when we are in the darkest months, is the best time for a Feng Shui Explosion! Feng Shui can help you place all your holiday bling in the right place!
~ Make the holiday work in your favor!
And yet, let’s not make this season an endless chore list!
What does your holiday ‘normal’ feel like for you? Are you following the routine and tradition of ‘those who came before you’, or, can you branch out…
There‘s still a lot of anxiety on the cusp of this NEW YEAR coming into the Wood Dragon.
With all the world’s problems going on already, how can 2024 harness this anger and cultivate more trust? Ultimately, make things better?
The first thing you need to do to begin in your own space.
In order to make change, one needs to CHANGE something.
You can make ‘change’ anytime you wish. Yet, it’s always motivating to have a logical reason:…
Water-people have a Deep Influence in Society
You’ll find a large majority of our senior population are water-people. These individuals have worked hard in their lives, specialists in their professions and have experienced many of life’s lessons. They bring a plethora of knowledge to the equation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we look up to them for guidance and direction. Similar to the wise owl in the woods, people turn to them for guidance and understanding.
Water people enjoy…
Have you had ‘one of those days’ lately?? Those days that you want to get things DONE, and yet, feels like the brakes are on…
I do know that frustration leads to NO progress, at all!
We’ve talked a lot about arranging our space with feng shui to ‘support our quest in life’, finding our true path and taking charge. SO, what happens when we aren’t going where we want to GO?
I too, get impatient. I have these great…
I spoke with a new client this past week that seemed rather wistful when she told me that she didn’t have any children. This can be a touchy and often emotional subject for many people
Feeling a bit ‘empty’ is not only for people who don’t have children, but for empty-nesters, those with few close friends and for others simply looking for a change from their day jobs. We all have a need to give love and share with…
**NEW for 2023**
The Feng Shui Advantage Get Your Space Working for You!
Working at Home, or is it Living at Work?
The last few years has seen a massive social upheaval, as families strive to find a new work routine and balance, while juggling the chores and realities of the day within their homes. As well, many had to step back from climbing the corporate ladder to face realities of the ‘sandwich years’; looking after others older and younger…
Your Words are Your Wand
So, you want less stress? I hear this all the time.
Feng Shui helps tremendously to reduce stress in many ways:
Your visual setting can be staged just for you: less clutter is less stressful.
You can surround yourself with the things and colors you love.
You can sing praises and gratitude to the universe.
You can meditate until the ‘cows come home’.
After all the work we DO to create less-stress, we still continue…
Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.