When planning your garden, make a colorful choice!
Planning another tweak in your garden? Making room for more colour, shapes or drama?
Sometimes we are attracted to a colour, a smell, or just something different. There’s no reason; but perhaps there is!
Ann Marie Holmes writes in her book, Earth Spirit Living, (I love this book!) -choosing the best plants to cultivate the BEST ENERGY for you and your space.
I found this fascinating; and had to…
Vision for a Good Life:
As we age and move into a slower pace, many of us finally have the time to stop, slow down and reflect.
Reflecting on the past can bring warmth to heart, but for many – too much time often regurgitates past regrets and remorse. It doesn’t have to be that way!
The time between work and when the kids/grand-kids come to visit is the time to look at your life! I’ve often talked about…
So, it’s a brand new year; or maybe it’s a brand new something. Yet, you are stuck. Do you find yourself spending too much time looking at the (unknown) future, or looking back with regret!
Either way, you aren’t PRESENT to make any decisions! – No wonder that you’re stuck!
I’ve been there. I understand.
Moving forward has risk; fear of the unknown. The ‘unknown’ component often has a cost factor, a time factor and could have an impact…
09/22/2014 Edited: Jan 05 2019
While change can be good for the soul, many people resist!
When people resist change, it often means they are already happy in the moment. They ask, “Why change?” They like the age of their kids, they like their time together, and (bonus) the in-laws live two hours away! To sum it up, the balance in their life seems to be working for now, and there is no reason to change!
As we know,…
Music and Vibration to Relax
Is the traffic getting worse; or is it my imagination? Do you experience a time-warp every time you get on the computer? Is there any leftover time to sort mail, do laundry, shop for groceries and gas up the car?
So often, we get stuck in a rut and can’t find our way out!
You are not alone! I’ve talked with many friends, family and clients in different stages of life; they all get ‘stuck’…
Style Your Home
Can You Spot the DIFFERENCE? Of course you can! A replacement dining room fixture can make, or break, the atmosphere!
PIC ONE: The existing lighting fixture had 8 light bulbs, and yet, the lights were not directed anywhere; their glow dispersed everywhere. Extra metal loops and curves distracted attention from neighboring artwork and collectibles.
PIC TWO: This lighting fixture has similar components, yet only 5 light bulbs. These bulbs are ‘protected’ by 60 small,…
In the next few months, you may find the blues setting in; waiting for spring to arrive. Hibernation can be a option for you. How could you bring some spice into your world?
~I looked up synonyms for the word ‘spice’; the top three words I liked best were interest, pizazz and enhance! Very cool, indeed!
In feng shui we talk a lot about ‘enhancing your space’. ‘Enhancements’ can be as small as a bead on a blouse, or as…
ASK Kathryn About sharing Space with a Bedroom
I’ve read your book and I need more information about feng shui in my bedroom, when I work at home. My house is small, but I can fit a desk into the bedroom. Is there a best way to do this using feng shui? I read that working in your bedroom is not a good idea. Can you explain please? Thx Shelly.
A: Hi Shelly! You are correct: Working in a bedroom…
Can you still do this? Decorate on a dime? Well, as a Home Stager and Feng Shui Consultant, I do my best to save people money. I done my share of dressing windows, trade show booths and ‘creating illusions’ with many of my vignettes, and I’ve got a few tricks to share with you.
Never underestimate the power of saving money by using what you already own. You’ve purchased these items, so you must love to have them in…
The Littlest Buddha
The little guy is barely 3” high (7cm), solid jade and full of life! He was acquired on impulse.
I am a Christian, and yet I’ve explored many of the Buddhist philosophies within the study of feng shui. I had no intention of bringing a Buddha into my house, converting to Buddhism or starting a shrine. So, I’m a little reluctant to admit how much I am enjoying his company.
I was in a busy Jade Factory…
I have had the pleasure of working with Kathryn for almost a decade, and have always enjoyed her warm and thoughtful manner. Over the years she has generously offered a few excellent tips and ideas for my office, so when I decided I wanted to make some changes in my personal life, I asked Kathryn to come to my home for a Feng Shui Consultation.
During our initial conversation about my areas of focus, she immediately came up with a number of easy and immediate changes to support those areas. One … Read more