Q: Hi Kathryn. I purchased a suit at the Thrift Store and my girlfriend says it is creepy. Could this have a hex on it or something? How can a suit be creepy?
A: When purchasing anything previously-owned you inherit predecessor-chi. Chi-energy comes in many forms. When the previous owner is not around for evaluation, you gamble with that energy.
We all make purchases ‘in good faith’, and we expect the seller to meet that same standard. Whether we…
Can a Ghost Ruin my Business?
Q: Is it possible for a ghost to ruin my business? I signed a 3 year lease in a large shopping mall to open an Indian Restaurant. The previous tenant was a Pizza Place. I cleaned the place and opened right away, 2 months ago. I’m losing money and no one comes in to eat. They look in, and walk away. Can you help me from NYC?
A: I hesitate to blame your…
Ask Kathryn: A boy who won’t sleep in his bedroom.
Q: Kathryn, my 6 yr old son just refuses to sleep in his own room. Last fall, we repainted his room and bought new, fun sheets. I read an article about not decorating with super heroes and heavy energy. We hung a beautiful mirror in his room. He still won’t sleep in his room, and he hates the mirror. Can feng shui help here?
A: Absolutely! First of all, you…
Kathryn was a joy to work with. Prior to my interview, Kathryn was understanding, supportive and consistent throughout. This was a remarkable experience and I appreciate her time and effort. Thank you Kathryn.