Tag: slow down

Moving Onwards Along the Journey

Have you had ‘one of those days’ lately?? Those days that you want to get things DONE, and yet, feels like the brakes are on… I do know that frustration leads to NO progress, at all! We’ve talked a lot about arranging our space with feng shui to ‘support our quest in life’, finding our true path and taking charge. SO, what happens when we aren’t going where we want to GO? I too, get impatient. I have these great…

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Slow Down; You’re moving too fast…

Mindfulness has been the new buzzword used to describe being quiet and ‘being in the moment’. It is easier to talk about, than it is to do it! Mindfulness is a practise that allows you to actually forget about the ‘stuff’ going on around you, and focus on the task-at-hand. Mindfulness takes discipline. In feng shui, the practise of mindfulness is most important as this allows a way to cut through the distractions and find out what is really going…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T’. The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a bette… Read more

Sherry Brantley
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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