Settle in. Here’s a poem from one of my latest fans, Thirdy A. Adamson.
Thank You so much! Kathryn
Feng Shui, Oh Feng Shui
by Thirdy A. Adamson
Feng Shui, oh Feng Shui,
A balance of energy we pursue,
To harmonize our space and view,
And make our lives feel brand new.
From the flow of chi to the placement of plants,
Feng Shui has its rules and chants,
To enhance our homes and bring good luck,
It’s not just…
Greeting for June 2018 and THANK YOU!
Kathryn has a SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL to THANK YOU for following her Feng Shui tips all these years!
The ONE ROOM RESCUE is expanding: YOU, dear reader, can have a sneak-peek of this new platform for only $47.! (Regular $297.)
All I ask is that you fill in an evaluation summary at the end of the course; as I wish to look at your comments and continue to improve On-line learning!
Together, we can…
Kathryn is a focused feng shui expert. She understands what a space needs not only based on her expertise in Feng Shui, but also from a very intuitive perspective. She has generously facilitated the process of enhancing my home and my husband’s office by walking through each room thoughtfully and addressing all aspects of each room.
She teaches as she goes along in a way that helps me understand the importance of each suggestion she makes. She follows up with comprehensive reports, suggestions, … Read more