Tag: Wealth

Your Words are Your Wand

Your Words are Your Wand So, you want less stress? I hear this all the time. Feng Shui helps tremendously to reduce stress in many ways: Your visual setting can be staged just for you: less clutter is less stressful. You can surround yourself with the things and colors you love. You can sing praises and gratitude to the universe. You can meditate until the ‘cows come home’. After all the work we DO to create less-stress, we still continue…

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Ask Kathryn About Care for Lucky Bamboo

Hi Kathryn, When looking for resources in regards to saving lucky bamboo, I came across your article here:https://www.kathrynwilking.com/ask-kathryn-lucky-bamboo-outgrows-container/. You were kind enough to include your email on the bottom. I received two lucky bamboo stalks in May of 2018, one stalk started turning yellow a few months back and after some online research, I cut the stalk down hoping that new sprouts might come up. There are still some orange/white roots so I have been holding out hope that it…

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The Nine Areas of Life

  How Satisfied are You with The NINE AREAS OF LIFE? Is there something out of balance in your life? Something that feels a bit odd and you can’t sort it out? ~Every change in your life can test your coping skills! Feng Shui can help you attain this balance and maneuver the energy to work for you. Many of us are so busy with work and chores we often forget about other areas in life that can help us…

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How Add-on’s and Renovations Alter the Balance in Your Home

Contractors, dust and upheaval all come and go, but what stays behind is FACT that you’ve altered the balance in your home. Without realizing, you can take the ‘balance’ out of the Nine Areas of Life and create ‘bonus areas’ or ‘missing areas’ without knowing. Many times, I‘m in a client’s home and through discussion, I hear: “Oh yes… that happened right after the renovations.” Let’s look at the renovations. Here is a common scenario: A couple buys a lovely…

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Finding the Wealth through Feng Shui

Wealth and abundance are measured different by everyone. Wealth, in terms of feng shui, speaks of luck, fortune and abundance.  These things won’t materialize without some sort of effort on our part; fortunes don’t fall out of the sky very often. We need to define what we are seeking in order to find what we are looking for. Luck, fortune and abundance can be found in many forms. In order to change something in our lives, we need to initiate…

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The Nine Areas of Life: Finding the Balance

Life is more than the routine work/home/sleep cycle. Whether we realize it or not, our lives are sorted into a plethora of accountabilities; personal areas, health and family, children, relationships, creative hobbies, spiritual growth, continuing education and learning, domestic chores, holidays, crisis management, hockey or soccer games and personal recreation. This is a lot to maintain! For personal growth and optimum health one needs to find the balance. Feng shui has a tool called the ba-gua, which divides the life…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn has the gift of making her show guests feel welcomed and comfortable. I know she truly cares about offering value to her listeners and was honoured to be one of her guests talking about the importance of proper business branding. Her experience in the field of Feng Shui transcends into her show where everyone benefits from the important topics she covers all in an easy and entertaining format.

Susan Friesen, BBA
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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