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No matter what size your house is, it takes time to clean and maintain a home.
I often talk about renew, reuse and reframe when helping people to shake things off and make the shift to new ways of thinking and living.
And, I do follow these principles myself!
It’s not necessary to toss everything out, but it is important to re-evaluate everything in your environment regularly.
How regularly? Sometimes, it is good idea to have a regular pattern or routine to tidy up, rather than when you ‘feel-like-it’.
If you plan to ‘tidy’ each Saturday morning thinking that is enough, Congrats! If you DO have a tidy routine, then stick to it!
If you are overwhelmed every time you walk through the door’ intermitted cleaning will only be able to touch the surface dust and clutter.
Take into consideration of the size of your space; what makes sense? If you live in a tiny house, then the ‘scale’ of everything needs to evaluated. If you feel crowded or cluster phobic, something needs to change.
If your space needs a ‘deep dive cleaning’, I suggest making this a priority before buying new items.
Your ‘stuff’ is easier to contain and maintain when you have:
Then, go back to the top here and adapt the habit of ‘tidy’ once a week.
Life flows a lot easier when there is ‘some sense’ of organization!
In my household, we designate the end-of-year to do a DEEP walk-through our home and plan for the next year ahead.
We list everything on our wish-list as well as the gotta-get-in-there-and-muck-this-out stuff.
And then, together, we prioritize each item as an A, B, C or D.
Whatever the ‘A’s are, we know they are a priority and plan these deep dives ahead of time.
The ‘B’ group is also important, yet may be delayed either by a huge time commitment, outside quotes, or waiting for more help.
The ‘C’ group is more about ‘wouldn’t-it-be-nice’.
The ‘D’s can be delayed at this time; or taken off the list.
If you DO adapt something similar above in order to purge and shake up your space,
be SURE that everyone involved is on the SAME PAGE.
If not, your efforts will not be satisfied.
If SO, you and your family will be able to flow through the process and out the other end, an example of teamwork and satisfaction for many years to come.
A DEEP DIVE RE-VIEW IS a big process; it takes energy and planning. You’ll experience the results of your efforts for years ahead.
This is a GREAT TIME of year to purge BEFORE the Holiday Rush as impulsive purchases and over-spending will continue to stuff your home! It’s time to sort this out now.
Enjoy the process, Kathryn
If you’d like a few more tips to get organized, let’s chat further.
Book a chat with me:
Or, send me an email:
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