
Talk about Intuition

It’s a New Age, so let’s sharpen some of your skills!

Today we talk about intuition; a little bit of woo-woo.
What is intuition anyways?

It’s a way of knowing. Some people know through their gut. You’ve heard this old saying- trust your gut.

Intuiting is a practice. Practice makes perfect.

When people ask me personally about intuition, I describe it as an antenna setting off an alarm!
Ding-ding-ding! For serious issues, I often turn to the pendulum or dousing rods for validation; this seems to make sense.

Many of you know when something isn’t right. It could be a thought, a feeling in your head, heart or your gut. You know this. Trust the feeling. If something isn’t right, it’s up to you to identify the issue.

If you’d like to practice, we can begin with a simple body-dousing exercise.
Let’s start with your gut and the food you like to eat. You can do this standing up or sit down at the table.

  1. Gather a few food items (jars, cans or fresh) that you know you like and dislike.
  2. Set only one in front of you. Look at the food. In your mind, can you taste it or smell it?
  3. Notice if your body moves slightly forwards: you like this food. If you shift slightly backwards, this reveals a bit of resistance to the food. Practice with different foods that you already like and dislike to recognize your ‘gut reaction’. Your body knows what works best for you!
  4. When you feel confident about this method of the like/dislike body movement, check out the next step.
  5. Gather up a few more items: vitamins, supplements and medications. Wouldn’t you like to know if they ARE REALLY GOOD FOR YOU?
  6. Begin to assess each item separately. We’re not looking for like or dislike this time.
    Think: is this item beneficial for me? The body knows. Moving slightly forward reveals – yes. Shifting backwards is showing resistance; a no.
  7. Practice makes perfect.

Base note: There was a case in the news last week of a middle-aged lady who overdosed on Vitamin B12!
She was taking supplements, but not realizing that B12 is already added into many products in her diet. Many people ingest supplements and vitamins ‘just because’, yet, it’s time to take charge once again.
You can be healthier and save money by learning more about body-dousing, and listening to your body.
P.S. If you DO get a no answer, you can always ask another question:
Is there a problem with the brand? Is there a problem with the dosage? Yes? Or, no?
The benefits are infinite…


Enjoy the journey, Kathryn
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About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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