
The ‘Cure’ to Most Aliments is Found Within

A banana is great for potassium, and what else? A ‘banana cure’?

The ‘cure’ to many of our problems can be solved through logic, common sense and instinct. We all have great ‘problem solving skills’ inside, so let’s use them!

~ If you are cold, put on a sweater.

~ If you are tired, take a nap.

~ If you are coming down with a cold, you’ll eat chicken soup and get more rest.

~ If you have a headache or a stress-full day, many people turn to aspirin, alcohol or medication. (– The logic is there; you know your own vices.)

Most common day-to-day irritants just need focused attention to find a solution/enhancement/cure for their problem.

For example: If you keep tripping over a garbage pail, you have options. One, remove the garbage pail. Two, find a smaller sized pail to do the job. Or, get rid of the offending item all together. Problem will be solved!

Another example: If you are having trouble sleeping, the detective work may be more intense. You’ll need to look at the mattress and bedding, framework of the bed (metal frames can act as a conduit) lighting, temperature, pajamas, kids, pets and sleeping partners… it gets more complicated. Process by elimination, you’ll find a solution! Logic and common sense can often solve your problem.Thinking through the problem can shift energy to find a solution!

A ‘Feng Shui cure’ goes much deeper.

A Feng Shui Professional provides deeper insight to problems and may recommend ‘other cures’; anything from rearranging your furniture, colour suggestions, lighting or purchasing tangible items to create a shift.

Feng Shui, has been described as the Art of Placement; a method of arranging your space, (and things in your space) in order to cultivate something specific:  wealth, health, relationships, family ties, good luck, etc. Often an easy ‘cure’/adjustment/enhancement can be found in order to help shift energy in your space!

There is a lot of mis-understood information out there. There are several different schools of Feng Shui, which cover a lot of topics; this can be confusing as there’s so much to absorb.

                 Anytime a Professional sets a cure, they reinforce the ‘request’

with The Three Secrets. MORE: .  

Your living room should not end up looking like a colourful circus decorated at the Party Shop.

I’ve used all of these easy cures with different levels of success:

  • Back Strain/pain: Place nine pieces of white chalk under your bed in a ceramic/clay dish (approximately where the pain is located) for nine days. Chalk has absorption qualities. Can chalk really absorb back pain? Check it out.
  • Raise the Chi-energy: A quality Feng Shui crystal hung in an auspicious area to grasp sunshine, will cultivate rainbows, joy and energy into your space. Who wouldn’t want to find a rainbow in their kitchen?
  • Security or protection in a neighbourhood: Place a bagua outside your house facing any potential adversity from neighbours or situations: noise, rowdy neighbours or buildings that are ‘too close’. This can be ‘hidden’ in a flower pot, attached to a fence, or set in the window facing outwards. This intention also provides ‘peace of mind’. (PIC of Bagua)

    A protective bagua can bring peace-of-mind.

  • Coping Skills: One of the best ways to maintain control of your day is to place yourself in a Power Position, facing the door. Whether you are working or sitting in a café, this will allow you to greet opportunities as they come in!

Admittedly, there are a few ‘crystals’ discreetly hanging around my house, and maybe, some other things that have cryptic messages. It is, what it is! 

Imagine my surprise when my husband Stephen came through the kitchen this week and saw this banana. (PIC also above) He got very suspicious! Our conversation went something like this:

S- What’s this on the counter?


K-  It’s a banana.

S- But, what’s it for?

K- I didn’t want the whole banana, so I set it down.

S- So, what does this mean? Why is it pointing that way? 

K- It’s not pointing at anything; it’s just a banana.

S- Oh. So, its not a Feng Shui thing?

K- No.

S- Just checking. So, its up for grabs?

K- Sure.

S- So, it’s okay eat?

–Relax, Hubby…

Husbands of Feng Shui Professionals learn to be tolerable; sometimes Hubby, you don’t need know!

Feng Shui shouldn’t be weird or abrasive; it should help your space flow with grace and harmony. There is no need to be uncomfortable with a ‘cure’ or correction, in order to shift energy in your space.

Most importantly,defining the specific problem and taking action is often the best way to handle an issue. I can help find a solution that fits perfectly for you.

And sometimes, a banana is just a banana.

Have a great one, Kathryn

~ Are you still Loving Your Home? Sometimes, a little boost is needed; something as simple as opening the blinds! I have a PDF to share with you, ’10 Ways to Raise the Chi-Energy in your space. Contact me for your Free Ask Kathryn chat and I’ll send this along. I’m happy to help! Personal and confidential contact:

Everyone should love their home!

Kathryn provides informative talks to organizations and host workshops for small groups. For more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space, check out her website:

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style! Follow Kathryn:

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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Will definitely stay in touch, you are an inspiration to me and I am blessed to have you as a peer in the industry we love.

Your book BTW is not far away from my desk for reading purposes often.

Jean Burns
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