
The Cycle of LIFE

The Cycle of LIFE We are shifting into new energy for Chinese New Year! YES! More change is coming ahead!

We are going to dive deeper into The Five Elements again today; The Cycle of Life has a fantastic reference with these elements.
We’ve talked a lot about these elements over the years, and I have not focused on this sequence.

We start out in life when we are born in the wood-element; a tangible representation of tall, green and expanding. Think of an early spring day when the trees are just sprouting their leaves for the season. You’ll find rapid growth, blazing energy and changes daily until they are at full capacity, which relates to young children.

This expansive growth parallels it’s energy with the younger years, birth until puberty.

Then, we move into the fire-element; that’s where our teens hang out. The fire element is consuming, aggressive and somewhat unpredictable. It’s a stage to attract attention, as well as, testing the risk factor in life. Everyone loves a fire!

This stage in the cycle has a variable; it could only a few years or could settle in from 15 -25 yrs old. This is where people ‘grow up’. These ‘learning years’ are about testing the rules and figure out where they fit it. Some individuals stay in this element long into their 40’s and beyond!

This isn’t bad or good. You’ll recognize these people that resist growing up. Just like Peter Pan, embracing the fire-energy, they are seeking attention and drama.

A fire display attracts  people’s attention in any stage of life.

The next stage in life is the earth-element. This a secure, grounded, stage that shifts people to settle into a routine; have a stable job, buy a car and have their own house.  Most likely, have a regular partner to share life with. Children are optional, yet, they do fit into this earth energy picture; raising kids in a solid, healthy environment.

This stage could start early at 20 yrs old, and others will wait; settling down in their 40’s or 50’s.

Hanging out with nature supports the earth element.

The next stage of life is all about metal-energy; all about planning and accountability. This metal energy is a time to evaluate all that has been accumulated in the ‘earning years.’ It’s about meticulous calculations regarding their wealth, investments, securities, wills and leaving a legacy.

Being a little less flexible than in their early years, they play by the rules, file income tax and double-check all their calculations. They DO plan time for travel and adjust their budgets accordingly.

Lastly, we have the water-element. I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs that many seniors in fact, are water-people.
These people now have time to pay attention to their self-worth, invest in things that are important to them, as well as, help the next generation move forwards.
The ‘Over 59 Club’ is seen in Asian cultures as the wise ones. This age group has experienced ups & downs and the moods of each year to witness life throughout the Cycle of Life.
They’ve got time to contemplate, knowledge to guide others and initiate change looking ahead; for they are truly the ‘wise old owls in the woods.’

Water influences allow more time for dreaming.

Live, long. Prosper as long as you can!
Warmth, Kathryn

P.S. Disclaimer: This interpretation of the Cycle of Life makes sense to me. Some of these age guidelines may not relate directly to you and your family. However, you now have the knowledge of what is going on in these five stages and see the unique patterns unfolding in your life experiences.

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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