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Our precious time after the evening meal was a way to connect. A time of laughter, and wit; a way to learn how to problem-solve, or, the next move.
My grandparents taught my sister and I how to play Rummy, King’s Corners and Cribbage. It was a time for me to show off a bit (how much smarter I was since the last time we played.)
Later on, when I was a single-parent with an only son, I was all-too-aware the evenings were spent nagging at him to do homework while I prepared for the next day. My son needed a playmate, so it was up to me. We decided on ‘Game Night’ twice a week. Usually, on Tuesdays and Saturdays we pulled out the dominoes, played Go Fish and he learned to count with playing cards. Gradually, we moved into more difficult games of Rummy, Sorry and Monopoly. After he learned how to count, he was hooked: he loved to count all the money!
One of Feng Shui’s practical rules for harmony is to have your home set up to accommodate everyone; a place to sit and a voice for everyone that lives in the home. This is so important to cultivate healthy harmony in a home.
Looking back, who would look ahead at the value of playing? We both enjoyed these games. We talked, communicated and learned to enjoy each other. The ‘games’ of chance teach coping skills, win and lose. The ‘games’ of strategy bring opportunities to ‘try’, and try again. Giving permission to experiment with the outcome of our actions.
Hide and Seek
While we sometimes giggled about our Grandparents spending (almost every night) their later years playing cards with each other. – We would wonder why aren’t they watching TV, like everyone else? You see, they actually enjoyed each other’s company, chatted about their days, and kept their minds sharp adding up those 15-two, 15-four’s from the cribbage game.
It was not until my husband broke his pelvis in 2013 that I again pulled out the games after dinner: it just made sense. Let the games begin! I think we had more fun making up new rules for all the games, but it stuck. Many more evenings have past, yet, we still play cards while catching up on our day.
Feng Shui doesn’t have all the answers, but it can help to cultivate a home that kids and adults love to hang-out in. Everyone should love coming home!
Our next generation seems to feel distance while sitting at a table with their family. Many stats report that tablets and phones have replaced communication, and yet, when the family members eat in shifts, it makes sense to fend for yourself. The internet world is open 24/7 so no one really knows what time it is!
Everyone in the family and workplace needs to respect each other, winners and not-so-winners. This attitude allows for trust and self-esteem to grow; it’s ok to change minds and strategize within a game. This allows for confidence and clarity to problem-solve in the outside world.
As for my kids now, when the holidays arrive, the games are elevated: You’ll certainly hear the passion behind ‘Cutthroat Monopoly’, Euchar and Team Scrabble to bring life into the home. (And, ping-pong challenges!)
Playing games teaches life-time learning skills.
The best part of being a game-player is when my niece comes to visit. She always asks,
‘Aunt Kathy, can we play cards after dinner again tonight?”
– Of course we can! There is hope for this one…
The next generation needs our attention, guidance, and trust, that we will be with them growing up all the way! Playing games isn’t just a waste of time.
Play time isn’t just for kids, it brings a little whimsy, a big joy and lightness in our hearts! The ‘experts’ mention that laughter is the best stress-less medicine you can find!
So, let’s have some fun tonight!
~ Kathryn
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