
The Smorgasbord of Life

Maneuvering through the Smorgasbord of Life!

We make choices with food, and with people every day, good and bad. It is no wonder that they can parallel each other.

~ It‘s not all about food; but it could be!

Taking care of what we need, and what our body needs, is the first step to leading a full life filled with good choices, experiences and opportunities. We need proper nourishment in our diet, which includes mental and emotional needs, for a well-balanced life!

Base ingredients: protein, carbs and veggies

These are your staples or foundation: things and people that ground you and are good for you on a daily basis. Choose food items and close friends that are ‘good for you’.

(I always ‘pass on the buns’ at a buffet; I can get a bun anywhere!)

Treats: any items that differ from your regular routine: a spicy dish, exotic foods or even some drama and entertainment. This extension reveals confidence in your choices and courage to try something new in small doses. Relate this to experiencing growth and expand your horizon!

Toxins: Items and people that are time wasters; they cause indigestion or leave a poor taste in your mouth. Anything that leaves you feeling less of a person is something to avoid! It is okay to leave stale relationships and past-due food on the table. No one wins or loses; it is just time to move on. Embrace these people, and foods, in small doses. Don’t make any promises to revisit.

You can also choose to say “No more”! Acknowledging ‘toxic issues’ and ‘energy draining’ people can be like shedding a skin; leaving baggage behind.

  • Defining the term ‘Smorgasbord’: A buffet offering a variety of hot and cold meats, salads, hors d’oeuvres, etc. A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.  A wide range of something; a variety.

Life is a beautiful smorgasbord of choices! It is all placed out on a platter for us to partake! Don’t limit yourself to one dessert, it is okay to try more! Life is for the living, and really, what goes around-comes around!

There is SO MUCH for you to experience: Explore different foods from other countries, sample cheeses and wines from neighbouring territories, sign up for a hobby or challenge in your community.  Keep your eyes open!

To get the most out of your ‘Smorgasbord of Life’ it is important to be mindful,

present and insightful for decisions that create the most impact in our lives. Consider:

Anticipate the Decision

Savour and Appreciate

Recall and Share

Carry Fond Memories

Making solid choices ensures our continued success – something that we can all appreciate.

In feng shui, we learn to choose, manipulate or rearrange our environment to support ourselves, and our goals. We can choose influences in our lives other than colours, shapes and rearranging furniture. Many of our decisions reflect people closest to us, support in the community, as well as our food choices -the fuel for our precious bodies.

It can be enlightening to replay the choices you’ve made in life: Some of them GREAT, some of them not-so-great, and others seem so trivial you’ve hardly given them a second thought.

Some people reflect the past: careers, relationships, health, and self-esteem.

Many people replay their choice of partner. As we grow, we look for different qualities in a mate as life moves along. Sometimes partners don’t grow in the same direction. The needs we had in our 20’s are not the same as we require in our 40’s, and beyond. So, times change. Tastes change. We know that. It is normal to rehash or question our choices. (i.e.: What WAS I thinking?)

Life is not about making the right/wrong choice; it is about growing,

living and experiencing all we can do in life.

There are so many rules we impose on ourselves, and rules that others impose on us. Let’s take the time to feed ourselves positively and gently, in these turbulent times.

Do not shy from the Smorgasbord of Life!

Enjoy your unique journey; get out there and partake of everything you can!

Much warmth, Kathryn

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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