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Take the quiz nowReal or fake, a fireplace brings people together.
In the next few months, you may find the blues setting in; waiting for spring to arrive. Hibernation can be a option for you. How could you bring some spice into your world?
~I looked up synonyms for the word ‘spice’; the top three words I liked best were interest, pizazz and enhance! Very cool, indeed!
In feng shui we talk a lot about ‘enhancing your space’. ‘Enhancements’ can be as small as a bead on a blouse, or as flowers on the tallest tree! Essentially, something that draws attention in order to break the routine; simply to balance the space.
In winter, the ‘blue days’ are low energy days. Not that it is all bad; we need these days to recover and regroup. Yet, faced with a series of blue months all together, many of us are fortunate to be able to fly out of town for a few weeks.
Still, it can feel like a long winter.
Let’s take a look at the Five Element chart, once again. (I love these fantastic Five Elements; they explain SO MUCH about the balance of life!)
The opposite of blue-water is red-fire! Interesting enough, most of us are already drawn to the hearth of a fireplace! We are already seeking warmth, comfort and a little spark in our evenings!
We instinctively know how to survive the cold elements. Bringing fire-elements into the winter mix provides that enhancement, interest, pizzazz and the ‘spice’ into your home!
Practical feng shui reveals how to take charge of the day and our environment.
~ Other fire-element enhancements you may wish to include in your hibernation:
Sometimes, too much can be too much! You need to know how to balance enhancements; the opposite would be to slow down and savor the moment.
‘The Spice in Your Life’ needs to be savored with friends,
sipping a latte, in front of the fireplace.
When you find a balance that works for you, the winter ahead will be filled with love, peace and comfort; awaiting the spring energy to emerge once again.
(Don’t forget the pumpkin pie!)
Enjoy the journey!
~ Kathryn
** Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and Feng Shui Consultant. She rearranges your space to move chaos into prosperity. Kathryn delivers ‘Practical Solutions for Life’ through The ONE-ROOM Rescue™ and unique personality profiling with the Fantastic 5 Elements!
Feng Shui can see through clutter. Receive monthly tips and free insight from Kathryn, with the Art of Balance on the website: Kathryn is an active Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, available for private consultations, innovative talks and workshops.
#kathrynwilking, #practicalfengshui, #practicalsolutions, #fengshui #empowerment #fireplace #qiologypro
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