
The SPICE for Your Life

Real or fake, a fireplace brings people together.


In the next few months, you may find the blues setting in; waiting for spring to arrive. Hibernation can be a option for you.  How could you bring some spice into your world?

~I looked up synonyms for the word ‘spice’; the top three words I liked best were interest, pizazz and enhance! Very cool, indeed!

In feng shui we talk a lot about ‘enhancing your space’. ‘Enhancements’ can be as small as a bead on a blouse, or as flowers on the tallest tree! Essentially, something that draws attention in order to break the routine; simply to balance the space.

In winter, the ‘blue days’ are low energy days. Not that it is all bad; we need these days to recover and regroup. Yet, faced with a series of blue months all together, many of us are fortunate to be able to fly out of town for a few weeks.

Still, it can feel like a long winter.

Let’s take a look at the Five Element chart, once again. (I love these fantastic Five Elements; they explain SO MUCH about the balance of life!)

The opposite of blue-water is red-fire! Interesting enough, most of us are already drawn to the hearth of a fireplace! We are already seeking warmth, comfort and a little spark in our evenings!

We instinctively know how to survive the cold elements. Bringing fire-elements into the winter mix provides that enhancement, interest, pizzazz and the ‘spice’ into your home!

Practical feng shui reveals how to take charge of the day and our environment.

~ Other fire-element enhancements you may wish to include in your hibernation:

  • Turn on the fireplace (or light the logs). Watch the dance of light slowly hypnotize you; a great way to de-stress.
  • Light candles. The dim light casting shadows on the walls will bring an interest of warm light and comfort/closeness in the evening.
  • Warm drinks. This is a time for sharing and caring. A lovely warm apple cider or chai latte can certainly spice up (and warm up) when coming in from the cold.
  • Bling! Yes, this is correct. A coincidence that holiday celebrations are inside the darkest months of the year! Get the lights out front; light up the walkway and draw attention to your home! Hey everybody: OVER HERE! Enhance the quiet with lively gatherings and loud greetings with food, family and friends.
  • Crystals, red bows and garland can be used all year round to enhance your space.

Sometimes, too much can be too much! You need to know how to balance enhancements; the opposite would be to slow down and savor the moment.

‘The Spice in Your Life’ needs to be savored with friends,

sipping a latte, in front of the fireplace.

When you find a balance that works for you, the winter ahead will be filled with love, peace and comfort; awaiting the spring energy to emerge once again.

(Don’t forget the pumpkin pie!)

Enjoy the journey! 

~ Kathryn

** Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and Feng Shui Consultant. She rearranges your space to move chaos into prosperity. Kathryn delivers ‘Practical Solutions for Life’ through The ONE-ROOM Rescue™ and unique personality profiling with the Fantastic 5 Elements!

Feng Shui can see through clutter. Receive monthly tips and free insight from Kathryn, with the Art of Balance on the website: Kathryn is an active Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, available for private consultations, innovative talks and workshops.

#kathrynwilking, #practicalfengshui, #practicalsolutions, #fengshui #empowerment #fireplace #qiologypro 

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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Great Chat today! Thank YOU so much. The show was a blast and I hope useful to your listeners and to generate your following too! I always enjoy talking with you! Will grab the recording URL and share tonnes.

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