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Take the quiz nowIs your desk out of control? Are the documents getting misplaced? Are you anxious and stressed out easily? It may be time to pay some attention to your office and desk arrangement.
Feng Shui, the ancient art of influence for your environment, can help you sort out your surroundings and therefore your life. Often, only a few simple changes are needed to fuel the change or energy in your workspace.
1. Set yourself up in the Command Position
The Command Position is the best position to protect your back and be aware of what is ahead. A proper desk position can be most powerful influence in the office. If you are fortunate enough to have an office; position your desk away from the door, rotating it to find the best spot where you can see what is going on. In the meantime, protect your back from other doors, windows or flimsy materials. You need a good strong anchor to support and protect your back.
2. Clean and define your space
Cleaning is imperative for a fresh start. I often recommend the ‘desk challenge’ to new clients. Make the time to take everything off your desk, dust everything, and re-place only the things that you need in order to do your job properly. Define your clean space by squaring off your cubicle, utilizing the space allowed and map your territory. You should not have other peoples’ items invading or cluttering your work space. Nor, should you allow items stored in your office or cubicle because of lack of space. Stake out your territory, take control and speak up.
3. Surround yourself with positive images
Take a look around your space and really look at the posters and artwork. Images are so important to the sub conscious mind. If you find you are looking at aggressive images while trying to work on a spread sheet, this could induce anxiety or even sabotage your work. Find images that relate to your incentives for optimum success. Perhaps a vision board could support your goals, or display rewards for a job well done. This tool can go miles to help you stay focused and on track.
Tips taken from Kathryn Wilking’s new book Practical Feng Shui for the Office, now available through For a preview check out
Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?
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