
Where is Your Clutter-free Zone?

Cluttered Room

OMG! How do those boxes in the closet expand over the years?

When you feel frustrated trying to get ahead, clearing clutter with feng shui can help you find space for new opportunities.

The spiral begins when you procrastinate. Do you want to start moving?

Clutter can happen in so many forms: physical, mental, and emotional. Then, it can morph into specifics of: closet, drawers, desk, pet stuff, in box, out box, recycling, laundry, purses, cars, general cleaning… and so much more.

It is an eye-opener when you evaluate the magnitude of stuff that we need in our lives! Optimistically speaking, once we ‘clear’ an area of clutter, we ‘should’ be able to maintain it. We can learn to create a clutter-free zone.

The challenge is finding a way to get started – that works for YOU!

Procrastination: Dealing with things we would rather not deal with at all, as we expose ourselves to pain, resentment and perhaps regret. Then, the final decision to clean, sort, recycle, toss, gift it or keep it. Exhausting! No wonder many of us hide our baggage rather than deal with it!

Let us try another approach for tackling clutter.

Clutter in Storage

Your clutter can become a safety hazard!

Think about your life right now and what issues you are dealing with? What are you trying to accomplish? Begin by setting the end goal, and then figure out where to start.

Seeking a new relationship?

  • Sweep the front walk and trim any bushes. You’ll need to appear welcoming so check for any clutter at the entrance of your home.
  • Remove items from past relationships. Check your jewelry box, closets and knick-knacks. If it is over, it’s over. ‘Memorabilia’ continues the memories.
  • Make your guest feel welcome. Can you open the door fully? Is the table cleared for two people to sit down? And, remember to move your pet off the sofa and into their own space.
  • Clutter under the bed can be toxic to a relationship, sprouting fear and anxiety. If you must store items under the bed, be sure they are soft, neutral and not aggressive; additional bedding is a good choice.

Can’t seem to move forwards?

  • Overhead clutter in the attic or high storage closets can be keeping you in the past. The contents overhead and out-of-reach are most likely high school yearbooks, grandma’s teacups and collections or items inherited from others.
  • Basement clutter represents procrastination; sort of a ‘holding area’ for unfinished projects and ideas. Creativity gets stuck working below grade.
  • The garage tends to gather clutter for things that you plan to use someday; sports equipment, seasonal items and tools. If these items turn into ‘clutter’ and dis-use, you are probably distracted with other issues and not able to reach your full potential.

A little depressed? Need to work on your self-esteem?
Moving Day

  • A woman’s closet is full of self-esteem issues! Often cramped with mismatched outfits and multiple sizes, it is no wonder that this is an emotional issue. Clearing this out will help you to examine those emotions.
  • Kitchen clutter represents a resentment of nurturing and looking after oneself. Proper nourishment is required to feed the soul, and therefore, taking the time to eat proper meals and clean-up is respect for yourself.
  • Clutter next to your bed or under furniture states you are concerned with appearances; as you can just stuff everything you don’t want to see under the rug or out of sight. Because you are not being true to yourself, this also symbolizes a desire for change and even escape from the present.

Clutter, the root of all frustration and procrastination, can be moved and let you get moving! The objective of having an end-goal in mind can be the best motivator, rather than a nagging conscious.

The logic of feng shui can help put things into perspective
by making YOU be responsible for YOU!

If you want it, it can happen! Clear out your areas with a firm goal in place and let me know more about the transformation happening in your life.

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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