
Wild and Weird Things on the Equator

On past vacations, we’ve traveled south to find the sun, but we never realized so many interesting things happen ON THE EQUATOR.

I don’t think I have to explain the equator is the ‘belt’ of the globe, the middle of the earth, where the sun rises and sets at the same time ALL YEAR ROUND!

The Blue Footed Boobie has no fear of humans walking close by.

I thought I’d share a few ‘weird and wonderful things’ about life on the equator. Each experience in life, each journey, and each conversation can bring insight and learning:

The 0-0-0 marker at the Equator.

  1. I thought the temperature would be hot-hot-hot at the equator, as the equator area is ‘closest’ to the sun ALL YEAR ROUND. Being closest to the sun, a person is at a high risk of sunburn and exposure. (No wonder everyone wears a cool fedora or a panama hat!)

Being in the mountains in Quito, the temperature is quite pleasant at 15-21c. In addition, travelling down to sea-level on the islands has the same cool temperatures; lovely breezes come through from four different directions! A very comfortable climate all year around.

PIC of 0-0-0 Equator marker

  1. We listened to local people boast about their AMAZING roses; they only grow straight up. (?) I‘ll explain: because the sun is STRAIGHT UP ALL THE TIME, the roses grow to face the sun! Other countries that grow roses have a disadvantage; their roses are constantly moving to find the sun and therefore have weaker stems. Make a note for your next purchase of roses. 
  2. ANOTHER INTERESTING experience, living and sailing around on the equator were the stars at night! Did you know that on the equator you can see FOREVER to the north and FOREVER to the south! I found a new APP called Sky Safari 5; a free download to help identify the planets and constellations! This app gives you an option to display the constellations you can never find! (You should check this out; they all look like ghosts!)

THE SKY WAS SO AMAZING! We were able to see 6 planets in a row ! A spectacular view, right from the balcony on the cruise boat! I even took a couple of screen shots!

From the Equator, I could ‘see’ Neptune, Moon, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus! Constellations are animated by choice.(Missing Mercury and Uranus)

  1. The trip to the Darwin Institute in Ecuador was a real eye opener. Darwin himself, argued about evolution in man almost two hundred years ago, and really rocked a few boats along the way. 

    A one-of-a-kind research and breeding facility for endangered tortoises.

Nevertheless, we as humans are still developing, and perhaps ‘evolving’ to have our needs met and survive in this world we have created for ourselves. A world of pollution, EMF’s, overcrowding, hunger for some- gluttony for others. Fears of sun exposure, job security, investments, politics and perhaps of our own neighbours…

As we age our health care options are evolving to take care of the aging population. There are people walking around with titanium plates, screws and plastic parts in their bodies. For survival, we adapt to the changes around us ALL THE TIME! Time moves on, we age. We continue change things: what to eat, what to wear. Many people are running marathons at 50!

Are we not all continuing to evolve at this moment?

Breeding program is successful! Babies are numbered.

Young adult tortoises are thriving.

The Darwin Institute continues to bring wonder, awe and speculation into our world. It’s mind-blowing to sit still and dissect how far man has come even with our short lives.

  1. The Galapagos Islands are all unique to themselves. Every day, we explored a different island. One, has only marine iguanas! Another, land Iguanas. Another exceptional island has brackish water, great for flamingos. Giant tortoises, that had been exploited in the past, are mostly under protected care in another specific island. And, there is so much more! PIC Marine Iguanas, Giant Tortoises

For more animal sightings and musings about our trip, please check out the posts starting at DAY ONE BUCKET LIST: (for 10 days) as I share the day-to-day journey.

Black Marine Iguanas are seen all over, yet they’ve claimed one entire island for themselves!


I am still reflecting about this amazing little group of islands on planet earth, and accessible to so many, for now. This unique gem, is really ‘the last place on earth’! It is well-protected from predators, GMO’s and contamination. No one cannot wander around unaccompanied; you’ll need to pay a Naturalist to visit any of the protected areas in the Galapagos.

Each personal journey through life takes us off the mainstream, every once in a while. When you take that leap and explore with XX, you’ll find that each life is unique, each town an experience and each individual has their own story.

Many of you followed my trip to Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands as I posted on Facebook. This trip had been on our Bucket List for over 20 years; finally, the timing and the financing lined up!

If you missed it: Travel with me to the GALAPAGOS:

I wish for you all to break out of your safe routine once in a while: find a spot of interest, try new foods, check out the history and special cultural events to give you a full experience.

There is so much still to explore on this planet.

Get out there and see for yourself, Kathryn


Kathryn is a Feng Shui Consultant, Home Stager and Author; relocated to Simcoe County (near Barrie) in Ontario; formerly based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kathryn is available for your home or office makeover through Home Visits, Computer Face 2 Face and Floorplan Analysis. Or, ask her a question through Ask Kathryn. She’s had extensive experience with raising a family, home and business relocation and renovations.

Life is a stage! Arrange your space; rearrange your life!

Everyone should love their home!

Kathryn provides informative talks to organizations and host workshops for small groups. For more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space, check out her website:

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!

Follow Kathryn: htttp:// @KathrynWilking #kathrynwilking

#fengshui #bucketlist #kathrynwilking #qiologypro #consciouschange 

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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